Ham Radio Station W5UN, op Dave Blaschke

Active on 2 meters through 160 meters

chasing DX since 1952

11 Band DXCC,   160 WAZ,   #1 DXCC on 2 meters

NEW VIDEO,  Detailing how I modified my
2M5WL Yagis by adding ten vertically polarized elements
(19 minutes long)

VIDEO Showing the raising of 160 meter vertical
(20 minutes long)

W5UN's 2 meter Mighty Big Array

Author of
Skymoon     &     CWkey5
The software preferred by top EME operators throughout the world

Dave, W5UN circa 1992

If your 2 meter station outputs 100 watts or more to a good 10 element or largerYagi antenna, and your receiver front end has reasonably low noise, you should be able to work W5UN and many other of the larger stations via 2 meter moonbounce. The best way for very small stations to make EME QSO's is to use  WSJT's JT65B digital mode (freeware from K1JT) on 2 meters. Many stations are using that mode to make contacts via the moon today. Take a look at the N0UK EME Logger to see who is currently active and on the air right now.  MoonBrat (freeware by W5UN) will show you where your moon direction is and where to aim your antenna. Skymoon (shareware) can help you determine the best operating dates & times, plus moon spacial conditions.

Email W5UN if you wish to arrange a 2 meter eme schedule, Newbies to eme are welcomed.

This section is still under construction, but will contain technical information regarding EME
